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Rural Property & Countryside Matters

Land and boundary disputes

Property and land related problems require specific legal knowledge. They can be a special concern because they may affect the value of your greatest asset.

Nuisance or trespass or interference with your commercial property rights can damage your business and your profits.  No less distressingly, it might be your enjoyment of your home which is being affected.

We try to resolve property disputes if possible through mediation or under the pre-action protocol process without court action.  But if your dispute does have to go to a court or tribunal we can guide and represent you, always with an eye to minimising costs and stress.


We Advise On:

  • boundary disputes and arguments about rights of way and other rights over land
  • adverse possession claims and nuisance or trespass
  • leasehold matters such as business lease renewals, assignments, dilapidations, forfeiture, service charge disputes and tenant insolvency
  • charging orders and orders for sale of land
  • joint ownership, trusts of land and partnership property disputes
  • professional negligence of conveyancers, surveyors, architects and other property advisers
  • Convenants on land - restrictive and positive

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Rural Property & Countryside Matters Services

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