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A Conversation with Luna's Fund - Part 1

Our medical negligence team are delighted to be working alongside local baby loss charity, Luna’s Fund, during baby loss awareness week. In this first video, we hear Aimee, founder of Luna’s Fund, and Helena Campbell from our medical negligence team, talking about their roles, who they are, and how they help to empower families.


2 minutes 30 seconds watch

A Conversation with Luna's Fund - Part 2

In our second mini-series video, you can hear Aimee, founder of Luna’s Fund, and Helena Campbell from our medical negligence team, sharing local events being held during baby loss awareness week, in Plymouth and the surrounding areas.


3 minutes watch

A Conversation with Luna's Fund - Part 3

In our third mini-series video, you can hear Aimee, founder of Luna’s Fund, and Helena Campbell from our medical negligence team, discussing the support provided by Luna’s Fund to bereaved families, and how Tozers support parents who have been victim of medical negligence.


4 minutes 30 seconds watch

A Conversation with Luna's Fund - Part 4

In our fourth mini-series video, you can hear Aimee, founder of Luna’s Fund, and Helena Campbell from our medical negligence team, discussing the families they have helped and the funding of a medical negligence claim.


6 minutes watch

A Conversation with Luna's Fund - Part 5

In our fifth mini-series video, you can hear Aimee, founder of Luna’s Fund, and Helena Campbell from our medical negligence team, discussing communication and how to contact the charity and us at Tozers.


2 minutes watch

Alfie's Erb's Palsy Story

In this video we speak with Alfie, who is a previous client of our Medical Negligence team. Alfie is a young man who suffers from Erb's Palsy. We listen to him discuss with his mum how Erb's Palsy has affected his life, giving advice to other families and those also diagnosed with Erb's Palsy.


5 minutes 30 seconds watch

Amanda's Erb's Palsy Story

In this video we speak with Amanda, a previous client with our Medical Negligence team, who's son suffers from Erb's Palsy. Amanda discusses with us how Erb's Palsy has affected her sons life, along with her own, and gives advice can be given to families and those who have Erb's Palsy.


5 minutes 30 seconds watch

An Introduction to GBS Claims

In this video the team discuss Group B Strep Claims and the best steps in which to take.


11 minutes watch