How to get touch with us over the festive period

Our offices will be closed on 25 and 26 December, and 1 January with no access via telephone or email on these days. On 23, 24 and 27 December you will be able to reach us via telephone, email and our live chat but our offices will be closed to the public. All other dates we are open as usual. 

Complete the form below to ask us a question or make an enquiry. We’ll get back to you via phone or email as soon as possible.

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Rural Property & Countryside Matters

Equine planning

Do you have horses on your land? Are they being “kept” or “grazed” and why is that important?


You may need planning permission

As horses are not generally treated as agricultural animals it is possible you will need planning permission for equestrian use of your property. Horsey activities are likely to be considered as “horsiculture” rather than agriculture.

Are you looking to build stables on your land or run an equestrian business? Have you considered local and national planning policies before submitting your application? Have you addressed landscape and highway impacts?

Has your existing business evolved over time? Do you need to apply for a certificate of lawful use in order to confirm that the use is lawful?

If you need specialist planning advice we have a team of planning lawyers who can help you to navigate the complexities of the planning system will provide no-nonsense advice.

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Rural Property & Countryside Matters Services

Find out more about how we can help you with your legal requirements, including agricultural law, equestrian law and other countryside matters. Alternatively, complete our contact form or call us directly to speak to a member of our experienced team.