Our expert planning team will help you to facilitate the provision of your services by offering practical and timely advice.
We understand the internal and external pressures on local authority departments. We provide clear and concise advice to enable you to make workable and robust decisions that ensure that negotiations can proceed without delays.
We pride ourselves on our close working relationships with our local authority clients and on our ability to provide a high level of service at a competitive rate.
What we can help you with:
- Section 106 Agreements and Unilateral Undertakings
- Planning Appeals
- Advice on enforcement cases including drafting notices
- Advice on certificates of lawful use/development and drafting certificates
- Highways and Rights of Way including section 278 Agreements
- Judicial and statutory review
- Advising Members at Committee
- Providing training to officers and Members
What you can expect from us:
- Clear and concise advice
- Practical solutions
- Prompt advice
- Technical expertise
- A wealth of local government experience