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Later Life Planning

Inheritance Tax Planning

A bit of planning can go a long way in reducing the Inheritance Tax liability that your family may face when you’re no longer around.


Inheritance Tax

You might already know that there are a few hoops to jump through if you’re thinking about giving away cash or other assets during your lifetime to make sure that they’re not considered as part of your estate for Inheritance Tax purposes. If you’re going to give property away or put some things in a trust, it’s good to be familiar with what you need to do to make this work properly.


Options for farmers & business owners

If you’re a farmer or business owner, there are other options which may be available to you. These are carefully looked after by HMRC and there’s lots of things that can be done ahead of time to maximise your chances of qualifying. We’re specialists in advising farmers and business-owners in this area and in planning ahead with you so that you for the future of a successful claim.

Whether you’ve got a business in mind or want to consider the allowances and exemptions available overall, as your thoughtful legal partners we’ll always aim to give you clear and practical advice throughout.


Your situation is unique

We understand that each person’s priorities are different and that what might be an ideal tax planning solution for one family, based on their goals, might not be a practical for another family. We offer a comprehensive tax service which covers both lifetime and Will planning and which is, above all, tailored to you.


What we can help with

We advise on:

  • Inheritance Tax planning for individuals, business-owners and farmers
  • maximising the various Inheritance Tax reliefs and exemptions available
  • Lifetime Inheritance Tax planning
  • post-death Inheritance Tax arrangements, such as deeds of variation.

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