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Senior Associate & Solicitor

Gail Salway

“I have worked in the area of family law throughout my career and my legal practice has always been based in Devon. Family cases and in particular those involving the local authority are always emotionally charged and sensitive. Whoever you represent in those proceedings needs the opportunity to feel heard, to also have their say and I believe that I offer that balance for clients who find themselves facing these sorts of proceedings.”

Gail is a Senior Associate & Solicitor working within Tozers Family team, with a particular specialism in the law relating to children. She is a member of the Law Society Children Panel, typically representing children with their court appointed Guardian. She works within one of the South West’s largest legal Care teams alongside her fellow colleagues. Focussed on getting the right result, Gail undertakes a large proportion of her own advocacy which enables her to see her client’s cases through from start to finish, providing a continuity of service for families facing the court system, which she recognises can be a difficult time for all.

Qualifying in 1997, Gail’s legal career has been spent acting on cases within Devon, enabling her to develop both a thorough understanding of, and strong working relationships with Guardians and courts across the region. She has held positions as a Family Panel Member, Chair of the East Devon Domestic Violence Forum and has been a member of the Association of Lawyers for Children.  Gail is currently a member of the Local Family Justice Board and is also involved with the Devon branch of Resolution.

Gail has conducted cases where a child has suffered injuries and where allegations of fabricated illness have arisen. She has represented parent clients where the legal issues have included amongst other issues – transgender matters and parental responsibility, civil partnerships and the legal rights of the non-biological parent; grandparents and contact with their grandchildren and where issues concerning sperm donation have arisen.

Gail has also been recognised in the 2023 Legal 500 directory as a key lawyer in the Teir 3 ranked Family team.



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Solicitor accolades

Children Law

Legal500 Recommended Lawyer


Your Thoughts


“Thank you again for all your hard work, you have been truly amazing and so professional. I couldn’t have asked for a better solicitor. I would highly recommend you.”


Law Society Children