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Why the Early Notification Scheme Risks undercompensating injured children

Posted on 13th May 2022 in Medical Negligence

The aim of the Early Notification Scheme (ENS) is to investigate serious incidents relating to birth early, to learn from mistakes made and to prevent similar incidents happening in the future.

Posted by

Endurance Arthur

Partner and Solicitor


Bowel cancer – let’s continue the dialogue

Posted on 11th May 2022 in Medical Negligence

Cancer is a terrible disease, and the diagnosis is devastating.  Thankfully, many cancers are now treatable with timely detection and treatment being key.  

Posted by

Michelle Beckett

Senior Associate & Solicitor


The psychological effect that a traumatic birth can have on a mother

Posted on 10th May 2022 in Medical Negligence

During Mental Health Awareness week we would like to highlight the psychological effect that a traumatic birth can have on a mother, which is often overlooked, and in particular where the medical care provided has been negligent.    

Posted by

Clair Hemming

Partner and Solicitor


Nearly half of NHS maternity services in England are unsafe

Posted on 12th April 2022 in Medical Negligence

The lives of babies are at risk because maternity units are still unsafe, years after families raised concerns about preventable deaths resulting from poor care.

Posted by

Endurance Arthur

Partner and Solicitor


Waiting times for ambulances leaves lives of patients in England at risk

Posted on 11th April 2022 in Medical Negligence

999 callers in England are facing an ‘appalling’ wait time for an ambulance to arrive according to Dr Katherine Henderson, president of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.

Posted by

Simon Mansfield

Partner and Solicitor


£1.1 million in damages to teenager who suffered injury at birth

Posted on 06th April 2022 in Medical Negligence

Erb’s Palsy is a permanent disability which can vary in severity from at its worst a complete paralysis of the shoulder, arm and hand, to the milder end of the spectrum being a weaker and less functionally useful limb, which is none the less still disabling.

Posted by

Clair Hemming

Partner and Solicitor


Death of two babies leads to police investigation

Posted on 05th April 2022 in Medical Negligence

Last week Donna Ockenden published her long awaited report on maternity failings at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust addressing what has been described as the worst maternity scandal in NHS history.

Posted by

Simon Mansfield

Partner and Solicitor


201 babies may have survived if better care was given

Posted on 30th March 2022 in Medical Negligence

There has been a five-year inquiry into over 1800 cases where a lack in care has led to injury and even death at the Shrewsbury and Telford Trust.

Posted by

Endurance Arthur

Partner and Solicitor


Hospital’s desire for ‘natural births’ causes loss of 300 babies

Posted on 28th March 2022 in Medical Negligence

Details of a five-year investigation have been released ahead of a report into the heart wrenching stories of 1,862 former patients affected by decisions made at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust between 2000 and 2019.

Posted by

Endurance Arthur

Partner and Solicitor


Woman dies from cervical cancer after symptoms were mistaken for IBS

Posted on 25th March 2022 in Medical Negligence

A recent Daily Mail article describes how Porsche McGregor-Sims died at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth on April 14th 2020 after cancer spread to her lungs, causing breathing problems before she suffered a fatal heart attack.

Posted by

Endurance Arthur

Partner and Solicitor


Top midwife says sorry for babies and mothers lost following the pursuit of “normal births”

Posted on 08th March 2022 in Medical Negligence

Head of the RCM (Royal Collage of Midwives), Gail Walton, has apologised for the part the organisation played in promoting “normal births” which has led to the deaths of mothers and babies.

Posted by

Endurance Arthur

Partner and Solicitor


Shoulder dystocia in BBC's “This is Going to Hurt”

Posted on 25th February 2022 in Medical Negligence

As a solicitor specialising in medical negligence litigation, I was interested to watch “This is Going to Hurt”, the BBC drama based on the bestselling memoir of Adam Kay, in his role as a junior doctor in obstetrics and gynaecology. This was particularly pertinent to me given the significant number of cases relating to pregnancy, childbirth, and neonatal care that we, as a specialist firm handle.

Posted by

Clair Hemming

Partner and Solicitor