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Let the Legacy of the Late Coppafeel! Founder, Kris Hallenga, Live On

Posted on 07th May 2024 in Medical Negligence

Posted by

Michelle Beckett

Senior Associate & Solicitor
Let the Legacy of the Late Coppafeel! Founder, Kris Hallenga, Live On

It seems like only yesterday that I wrote an article about the late Nicky Newman’s campaign aiming to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and how to check your breasts. Sadly, Nicky lost her own battle with cancer in late 2023.  

We, at Tozers, were equally saddened by the news over the weekend that Kris Hallenga, founder of breast cancer awareness charity CoppaFeel! has died at the age of 38. Like Nicky, Kris was passionate about raising awareness of breast cancer, particularly in young people and also about how it was possible to live life to the full even with a diagnosis of cancer.

Kris’ story

Kris found a lump in her breast when she was 22. Despite attending her GP it wasn’t until a year later that she was diagnosed with breast cancer, by which time sadly it was terminal.

As Kris herself admitted, at that time she was unaware that breast cancer could affect people who were as young as her and did not know very much about it at all. In the same year that she was diagnosed, she set up the charity CoppaFeel! with her twin sister. The aim of the charity was and is to ensure that breast cancers are diagnosed early and accurately. Due to the inspirational work of Kris and her charity, great steps have been taken to raise awareness of the disease and the importance of checking your breasts.

The figures

As highlighted by Breast Cancer UK:

“Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK but at least 30% of cases are preventable”

Not every type of breast cancer is curable but, there is a good chance of recovery if it is detected at an early stage.

As I highlighted in my previous article, and as the late inspirational ladies mentioned in this article campaigned – it is absolutely imperative that you check your breasts regularly for any changes and always have any changes checked by a GP.

Cancer Research UK highlighted that a study has estimated that a 4-week delay to cancer surgery led to a 6-8% increased risk of dying which is not acceptable if the delay is avoidable. 

Sadly, we have come across cases where even when a person checks their breasts and contacts their GP there is still a delay in their diagnosis and treatment. Particularly with breast cancer, early detection is key and with any delay, treatment may be more difficult and the cancer could potentially be incurable.

In one particular case, despite reporting her concerns to her GP, Amy* suffered a 15-month delay in diagnosis of her breast cancer eventually being diagnosed with triple negative metastatic breast cancer. Sadly, her cancer had spread and the condition was terminal; she passed away leaving young children. If the cancer had been detected earlier she would have lived for many more years being able to enjoy much more time with her family.

It is sincerely hoped that the tireless work of Kris Hallenga will live on through the charity that she and her twin sister founded and that young people, in particular, will be more aware of what to look out for and when to seek help.

The targets for treating cancer had an overhaul last year which shows that the government also recognise the importance of early detection/treatment. It is sincerely hoped that these targets can be met and equally that medical professionals take relevant concerns more seriously leading to earlier detection, treatment and higher survival rates.

How Tozers can help

Tozers is dedicated to helping those who have experienced a delay in diagnosis. With their experienced and knowledgeable team, they can provide legal support and guidance. If you or someone you know has experienced a delay in diagnosis, contact us today. 

*names have been changed to protect identity

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